Monday, July 9, 2012

Fingerprint Prayers

If you have a spare moment today, please send up a prayer for my fingerprints. There is a problem with them (again!). Last year, Adam and I went through the process to become licensed foster parents, and we had to be fingerprinted. Mine came back as unreadable and then we never heard anything else about it. Well, I sent my new prints in for our adoption several weeks ago, and when I called to check on the status of the prints, I was told that they cannot be processed because I already have a set in the system.


The woman on the phone this morning told me that she was going to try to fix the problem (same thing I was told last week). So I am supposed to call back this afternoon to see if it worked. This is the ONE thing required for our adoption that gives me such anxiety. Mainly because we were printed for foster care in November of LAST year and still have not been cleared. I am trying to trust in the Lord and remember that all of this is happening within the confines of His sovereign plan. Still, I would really like for this part to be over.

Thank you for your prayers!



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