Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Testimony Tuesday

I am excited that it is already time for Testimony Tuesday again! Today's testimony comes from the guy I love best in this world. My dear husband, Adam.

My name is Adam Knott.  I had the privilege of being born into a Christian home, and raised in the church.  I have fond memories of attending Vacation Bible Schools, church camps, children’s choir and other church related events.  Thankfully there is not a point in time when I can remember not being involved with church. 
When I was eight, I attended a christian concert and sermon preached by an older cousin of mine.  The message of that sermon was on God’s will.  His will for our lives, his will for the church, and His will for the death of His son.  During that message I felt God stirring within my soul.  The closing song had a verse that stuck into my head, “The Will of God will never lead you, where the Grace of God can’t keep you.” 
On the ride home the verse played over and over in my head, until I finally told my parents that I think the Lord was calling me to be His, to be saved.  As tears feel down my moms face she asked if I knew what I was saying.  I told her that it meant God was my Lord, and His Son died to forgive me for my sins.  Shortly after returning home I was in my pastor’s office preparing to be baptized.  In October of 1993 I made my public profession of faith and was baptized before the church.
Since that day my life has been changed.  I can honestly say it has not been perfect (I alone am responsible for that fact), but it has been good.  The plans I have made have been molded by God to look nothing like what the originally were.  The desires that I hold dear have changed as well.  There are still daily struggles but thankfully God’s love is greater than my sinfulness.  

I am so grateful for God's grace in the life of my husband. He such a blessing! 

Are you interested in sharing your testimony here on A Heritage from the Lord? If you are, please email me at heritagefromthelord@gmail.com with the following information: 

-Your name (you can choose to remain anonymous if you desire).
-A brief introduction about yourself.
-You actual testimony (just copy and paste it into the body of your email). 

I hope you will join us as we seek to share the saving power of Jesus Christ with the world! 


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