Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A God-Given Love

For the past few days I have had an overwhelming sense of love for our sweet little one. God has been filling my heart to overflowing with precious thoughts and feelings for our little angel. I have been praying for him/her and thinking almost constantly about the moment we will first see the sweet baby that God created for us to love. It is a crazy thing, because when I am having these thoughts or living out these future moments in my mind, I realize that our baby is probably not even born yet. We are in love with someone who does not yet exist. It is  bizarre feeling, but I am so, so grateful that God has given and is giving me these thoughts.

I was expressing this to a very dear friend of ours, Jim, the other day, and he said something that really hit home with me. He said, "Isn't that just how God loves us? We didn't do anything to earn it." And the more I think about it, the more I realize that he is 100% correct. God does not love me because I am a stellar person; He loves me because I am His child, His daughter. It is a beautiful thing, the love of God. And it doesn't make any sense.

Think about it. He created you and me, knowing that we would sin and fall short of His holiness. He went into Creation knowing that we would mess it up, but He created us anyway. And this is where it gets really good. God created us to redeem us. Jesus was not plan B; He was always plan A. God knew we would sin, and He planned from before "Let there be light" to provide His Son as a living sacrifice, that we might be reunited with Him and adopted as His own sons and daughters. What an amazing love!

And it is because of that great and unfathomable love that we are able to enter into the presence of God, that we are able to pray and speak to Him anytime we need to and that we will be able to spend all of eternity with Him. All we have to do is believe what He did for us and ask Christ to enter our hearts and we will be saved from our sin and allowed to come into the presence of our Holy God. This is the greatest gift in the history of Creation, and I pray wholeheartedly that everyone who reads these words will receive it.

So when I look at God's love for us, freely given and completely unearned, I become so aware of the fact that God is the one who has given me this love for our future child. I know it is completely from Him, and I pray that He keeps the love coming, because it is filling me up and giving me the energy and sustenance I know I will need in the days, weeks and months ahead.

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8


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