Thursday, July 17, 2014

Rwanda: Travel Day

I'm writing to you from roughly 30,000 above the African continent with just over three hours left on this long, long journey to Rwanda. In a few minutes, we are going to fly right past Ethiopia. Maybe there's a parachute on board...

And as I sit here in my little seat, with my eyelids heavy and my knees aching from only two hours of sleep in the last twenty-four, I am swept away by the reality of what we are about to do, by the fact that my feet will soon touch African soil, by the gift that God has laid before me in this Ambassador trip. A chance to live and love with twenty-three other like-minded women for ten days. A chance to meet our artisans, the women whose cause we champion through Noonday. A chance to be with The Lord in a fresh way. A chance to have my spirit refreshed in the midst of this desert we have been walking through.

I am so excited to see what God does this week. It is my deepest hope and prayer that He will speak to my heart in new ways this week, that He will remind me of His goodness and His love, that He will renew my faith and my energy and that I will come home feeling a sureness that has eluded me for a long time now.

I can't help it; this journey has me thinking of what it will be like when we are flying to Ethiopia instead of Rwanda. When we will be preparing to see and kiss the faces of our little ones. Maybe this trip is a stepping stone to get us ready for Ethiopia. Oh, I hope so. I would love to be heading back to this continent soon.

If you are one of the beautiful people who prays for us, would you pray that God reveals Himself to me this week? The last few years have been so hard, and I miss Him.

I can't wait to share this week with you.


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